Gizmo's Pawesome Guide to Mental Health

Programs Offered
• 45 min Paws Up for Mental Health for ages 2-11: Music & Literacy for Mental Health that addresses Feelings, Thoughts and Action and will establish a mental health pledge using Gizmo’s Pawesome Guide to Mental Health”. For Libraries, Day Cares, Preschools and Early Elementary.
This program is for ages 2-12. It’s an upstream approach for suicide prevention curriculum for preschools, daycare centers, library story time and elementary school. It teaches parents or staff about mental health, life skills development, and social connectedness.
It supports mental health and wellness to youth by introducing the concept of mental health daily. Identifying when one’s mental health needs attention and how to connect with them. This is an evidenced based storybook designed by author: Suicide Resource Center. Publisher-Education Development Center and speaker Heather Spada, suicide prevention manager of United Way of Connecticut. The guide was developed by Connecticut Suicide Advisory Board and Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Children & Families and Public Health and the United Way of Connecticut 211. This program was brought to Florida by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and offered to Remember Me to bring it to our community.
With the help of my dear friend, Maryann “Mar.”, Harman, creator of Music with Mar., I have asked her to write me a song to combine her music with literacy talent. I was even able to share some vocals with her. As an old time Music with Mar. instructor of hers when my oldest was a toddler, I was able to learn from one of the best in music and brain development.
This is a single visit 45 min class that will establish a mental health pledge with education of mental health, thoughts and feelings.
Gizmos Guide Excerpt