Founder and CEO

Nanette Prevost is the founder and CEO of Remember Me.
It is her personal story that has driven her to promote mental health awareness. In 2013, her husband and the father of her two young sons took his life. Her devastating experience has led her on a crusade for mental health and suicide awareness.
‘Nan’ to her friends, has made a career as a surgical nurse. She has been on the front lines of health care her entire career and knows firsthand how much work is to be done on this front. In 2021, she achieved a huge milestone when her efforts to create mental health awareness and suicide prevention became a reality when her organization Remember Me officially became a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization.
Nan’s ultimate goal is to work full time for Remember Me affecting change and ultimately saving lives!
• AFSP-State Facilitator for “Talk Saves Lives”
• NAMI- Certification Family to Family Peer Specialist
• NAMI-Mental Health Recovery & Wellness Recovery Action Plan (Wrap)
• ASIST-Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
• Bereavement Support Group Facilitator with AFSP
• Certified JWB Evidence Based Skills to Motivate Clients Towards Change
• Opioid Overdose Prevention Certified
• National Council for Behavioral Health First Aid for Adults & Children
• Open Water Swim Rescue
• ASAP-Adaptive Sports Abuse Prevention with Christopher Reeve Foundation
Board of Directors
- Peggy Gustin
- Jim Polacek
- Jacob Prevost
- Dr. Richard Rodriguez

Peggy Gustin

Dr. Richard Rodriguez – Board Member

Jacob Prevost – Board Member.
Pharmасу Student, USF Taneja College of Pharmасу